Do you have people in your family who are difficult to buy for? Tired of cheap and meaningless gifts from the airport gift store? Why don’t you try building something for them instead!
For the Cook
First up is a tried and true project. We call it the episode that launched a thousand cutting boards. Either make one for yourself or give it as a present. We guarantee it will be a great gift!
Or how about a simple knife block?
For the Person Who Enjoys Putting Things on the Wall
I don’t know if it’s a tradition in your house but calendars are always a staple gift in ours. So why not build a unique calendar holder for the calendar-lover in your life?
Yes we live in a digital world, but most people still love reading the paper version of a magazine or newspaper. Here’s something you can make to help them organize their collection.
Or maybe a wall shelf for storing stuff and things?
Make a custom frame for a prized photo or piece of artwork!
For the Office Worker
An easy project to make with scrap wood: a pencil holder. Do non-woodworkers still use pencils?
Since we have absolutely no other ways to tell time these days!
For the kids in your life
Added bonus to this project: if you build it and send us a picture by December 9th, 2013. We will donate $5 to this years cancer charity!
Give your kid something to do like rocking back and for for hours on this rocking horse!
A beautiful keepsake box, is great for kids or adults!
From Best Selling Power Tools – Get the latest and best deals on power tools, post Holiday Project Ideas For Everyone
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