Monthly Archives: December 2013

Poll: Woodworking When You’re Sick?

sick-puppyTom’s inspiration for this poll was the fast that he just had a nasty sinus infection. And while I didn’t have a sinus issue, I did recently have a gruesome stomach flu thanks to daycare germs. While I did get a few things done in the shop while I was in recovery mode, I wasn’t really very productive and the only tool I touched was a drill. In general, I try not to work with any tools when I’m not 100%.

But some folks who do this woodworking thing as more than a hobby may not be so lucky. Sure, you take days off when you need to but the sooner you get back to work, the sooner you can collect that paycheck. So how about you? Do you ever do woodworking while you’re sick?

Have you ever woodworked while you were sick?

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