Monthly Archives: September 2014

Poll: Weekend Projects

A cutting board is a quick projectYou see them in just about every woodworking book and magazine. The ‘weekend’ project – something that you should be able to plan out on a Friday and by Sunday you’re admiring your work. They SHOULD be quick and easy to accomplish right? But in today’s poll, let us know if you have ever been able to pull this feat off.

Have you ever been able to complete a ‘weekend project’ in just one weekend?

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Poll: Tired Woodworking Debates

Paper or plastic? Aisle or window seat? Soup or salad?

When it comes to our everyday lives, there are lots of decisions to make, and there will always be people who will want to debate the merits of each choice. Some do it with great passion.

Tom is having his internal debateIn woodworking, there are lots of debates to be had as well including things like tool choice and work methods. Some of those debates are brought up time and time again. And again. And again! This week, what do you think is the most overdone ‘debate’ in woodworking? Is it even on this list, or do you know of others where the proverbial dead horse is beaten?

What’s the most overdone debate in woodworking?

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Poll: Your Workbench Situation

While some folks claim the table saw is the heart of the shop, the workbench is, in my opinion, where all the action really is.

Tom's Workbench - for realzFrom setting down that first cup of joe in the morning to surveying the shop before you get to work until the final project stands gleaming upon it, it will probably be the location of much planing, cutting, routing, sanding and assembly throughout the course of your build.

While there is very little disagreement about the workbench being the center of action, there are many different workbench situations. Some can double as altars for some minor woodworking religion, while others exist only in the mind. Some folks labor for months building something that would look just as happy in a dining room, others get everything done with a Port-a-Mate folding work table.

In today’s poll, tell us about your workbench situation.

What answer best describes your workbench situation?

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Poll – Shop Aprons

tww-apronWhether fashion statements, safety gear or a wearable tool kit, shop aprons can help keep your woodworking clothes free of glue smears, finish spatters and caked-on sawdust. They can also be hot, uncomfortable, awkward and a complete pain in the rear.

This week, how do you feel about shop aprons? Something you reach for all of the time or something you avoid like the plague? By the way, if you’re in the market for a comfortable high quality apron, check out the Wood Whisperer Apron!

What do you think about shop aprons?

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